Today Jack turned 2! Hard to believe two years ago I was induced at 39 weeks because of my gestational diabetes. I had to be at the hospital at 5am. And then for the first two hours all I did was fill out paper work and more paper work. Then finally about 8:30 the midwife checked me and I had dilated on my own to about 4 or 5 cm, then she broke my water and bam! the labor started! It didn't take anytime for the contractions to come on strong. I thought I could handle it for a while but maybe 20 min later I called the nurse and asked for my epidural. Thankfully it didn't take them long and it worked like a charm. I then slept one hour and the nurse checked me again at 10am and to my surprise had dilated to 10 cm! I was shocked because I thought for sure the epidural would slow it down but Jack was ready to get out of there! And after about 5min of pushing out he came. The easiest labor I ever had. That is the way to do it.
We love our little Jack. He is such a mess. You can definitely tell he is the baby. I can't wait to see how he grows over the next year! Happy Birthday Jack!

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