Here are a few pictures we took yesterday. She is getting to be so fun. She is starting to smile at us when we talk to her. And she is also starting to "talk" back to us a tad bit. I'm sure there will be more of that later!

Video Sharing at DropShots.comI'm starting to smile!

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Video Sharing at DropShots.comI think I'm going to have blue eyes. What do you think?

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oh my gosh...tell me she doesn't look like her daddy in pic #3!!!
She is really sweet! I can't wait to meet her! Now about this blogging thing...we have one too. We were sucked in like several other people I know. I have to say that clicking on the links to others blogs...RebeccaA, Rindy, AmyG, Mrs. Elly (and I don't even know her!) and reading some of their comments has been one of the most fun things I have wasted time doing! Didn't we just get an email about that?!?
What a cutie! Billy, you are going to be such a good "girl" dad. You will be just as "wrapped" as Rocky. Question...look at our blog. Why is our name and info all at the bottom? Help in the cyper world!
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