Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Daddy feeding me for the first time

This week I have been learning to take a bottle. I haven't done very good but today I finally did it and daddy was able to feed me for the first time. I'm still not to sure about it but I guess I better get used to it. And I have also learned to take my pacifier. Everyone is really excited about that.

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a likens said...

Now Momma can sleep a little more through the night. Congratulations.

John D Johnson said...

Yeah!!! I'm so glad that worked. Congratulations -- John can't wait to give Sara a bottle so I think we might try in a couple of weeks as well. Take care and we'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Billy James, you're a natural! Way to go. Hey, that means y'all can go out and Auntie A can babysit...come home soon. :-)