Friday, May 21, 2010

My friend, Kim

Many of you remember my friend Kim, who fought hard against breast cancer. Yesterday was two years since she went home to be with her Savior. It is hard to believe she has been gone that long. I sure do miss her.

Kim and our friend, Traci

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My friend, Vanee is still trying to set up a scholarship at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in Kim's name for girls planning on going into missions. This scholarship will be awarded each semester. I think right now they are about half way there. If you would like to give to this scholarship please follow the directions below.

1. Write a check to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
2. In the memo line write "Kim Wilson's Scholarship Fund"
3. Mail to: NOBTS
Attn: Institutional Advancement
3939 Gentilly Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70126

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