Well we made it to Knoxville after a very very very long day and night. We were on the plane in Istanbul when it started raining. Well this caused the south runway to close so they opened up the north runway but we were over the weight limit to go on it so we had to unload some cargo. Well needless to say we didn't leave Istanbul til about 1pm or so! This put us in late to JFK so I wasn't sure we would make our connection but our flight to Cincinnati was delayed so we made it to the plane as they were boarding so we barely made it! And by this time it was 6:45 and we were suppose to have landed at 4pm. Anyway we made it to Cincinnati but missed our flight to Knoxville so we had to spend the night in Cincinnati or actually Kentucky. But on Tuesday morning we got up and caught a plane to Knoxville! So we made it. Bailey did great on the flights except for the one to Cincinnati. She got a little upset when the stewardess woke her up but she quickly went back to sleep. Thanks for praying. We are already having a good time! The picture at the top was my blessings for the day! I got to fly over the hills of Tennessee! Beautiful!
I just talked to Billy. I thought you both were in the states, so I called the Vonage phone. Hope you have a good stay here Mrs. Johnson and Bailey. Call me sometime.
I still look at your blog too...i just saw your comment on my blog from several months ago, haha. I love watching Bailey grow through pictures and movies...she is too cute. miss you guys, especially sunday nights :)
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