We want to share the arrival of Bailey Ann Johnson. Elizabeth did a wonderful job of getting this very large baby into the world. Bailey weighs 9lbs 11oz. and is 21 inches long. She is beautiful! Brown curly hair and cute chubby cheeks. I will have more posts as soon as I can but I know everyone wanted to be able to see her. ENJOY as we are!
peace peace,

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You guys have me squirming in India! Bailey is so dang cute. I'm protesting your trip to America so I can see her... Congratulations. Love you guys
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I have no words. I do have lots of kisses all saved up for her cute little chubster cheeks!! Eeeeeeeeeeee! :) auntie a
Did she come out with lipstick on? :-) Liz, you look beautiful! But I think Billy is the one glowing. :-)
I agree with Rindy . . . . Billy, your precious face brought tears to my eyes. I can see the pride shining through. What a lucky little girl.
She is precious. What an amazing gift!!!! Elizabeth and Billy, Congratulations. It will be so fun to see her grow up with you as parents.
Hey Billy & Elizabeth! I am so so so excited about Bailey being here now! I can't wait untill y'all come in so I can see and hold my new cousin!!! I've already started picking out baby outfits!(lol) Miss and love both of you guys!!
bunches of love - Nicole
Ps- Baliey is down right adorable..
oh yea, and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
ABSOLTUELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! She is a doll. I am so happy for you guys! What a great family!
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