We took flew to the great state of Louisiana this weekend to see family. I was a little nervous since this was Jack's first flight but he did really well since he slept almost the whole time with his daddy holding him. And I had downloaded some movies on my ipod nano so Jesse and Bailey watched movies the entire time. I had never done that before but now I will be renting more movies for them in the future! I don't have any pictures of Jack because he was sitting with his daddy a couple of rows back and I was afraid standing up taking a picture would disturb him and he would want momma. I will have all three of them by myself on the way back so pray for me! Again I am really just worried about Jack. I have travelled with Bailey on an international flight by myself, travelled with Bailey and Jesse on an flight practically from the east coast to the west coast by myself, so a one and half hour flight with three kids by myself should be a piece of cake, right? (famous last words!)
Jesse and Bailey watching a movie. Rangy is holding the ipod.

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Bailey and Jesse on the "train" in the airport

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how are you in Louisiana in this is how I find out?
hope the flight goes smoothly....your a champ at this. you're the baby whisperer.
how is it that you are in Louisiana and I didn't know?
hope you have a safe and uneventful trip back....you're the baby whisperer so I have no doubts.
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